Chocolate that is art
smears across fingers and nose,
An empty page, with nothing to read but the threat of something…
Do You Think Economics Is Broken?
If so, consider attending my seminars that critically examine the ideological nature of current economic practices.
Economics Debunked
Confusing economic language often limits our ability to understand the many challenges that confront society at all levels, from federal to municipal governance, to big versus small business practices, and national versus international trade agreements. Furthermore, the media frequently presents an economic language that appears simple, but which has effected social changes that, with hind sight, have often achieved at best ambivalent or questionable results. ‘Economics Demystified’ is an introduction to economic language and critical thinking skills that can help the concerned individual pierce the veil of economic jargon and strengthen broad economic discernment, argument and action.
Banks Skanks
A few years ago the American Empire was in peril of total economic collapse because their banks had successfully defrauded the citizenry and then took their taxes to avoid their and the country's bankruptcy. That is what their spokespeople and media propagandized. And yet, the mighty empires of Persia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, China, India, did not have banks, as we understand the term. History belies what the media propagandized about them being too big to fail. But then, what are banks? What is a 'central bank', what does it do? Is the world bank really a bank? And, as it turns out, the far more important question is, 'What is debt?' [I suggest that Economics Debunked be taken before or concurrently with Banks Skanks.]
Details of the next course offering TBA. If you would like to be notified of when the next session is being presented, please send an e.mail with the subject 'Economics Debunked' to: gduperreault@gmail.com
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